Be Like A Tree
Be Like A Tree
A children's yoga book designed to spark movement, mindfulness, and time in Nature.
Throughout the book are yoga poses to embody while reading the story and more detailed descriptions of the poses at the end of the book.
Read, move and connect to yourself, to each other, and to Nature!

Inspiration Behind the Book
About 3.2 km along Rogart Trail at Sugar Moon Farm in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, stands a tree. Every winter when I hike this trail, this tree stands out to me, as it stands uniquely in Tree Pose [Vrksasana], the common yoga pose used to foster both inner and outer strength and stability. When the tree caught my eye just as sharply the second time as the first, this story unfolded in my head for the remaining 2.8 kilometres. I wrote it all down upon reaching the warm fire at Sugar Moon Farm.
The tree demonstrates practices of movement, awareness, and empathy with himself and the boy. The role of nature is also important, an opportunity to connect with ourselves, with others, and with all creatures, to feel connected to the beauty of the world we live in as a mirror to connect to ourselves and stand in our own beauty.
It is my hope that this story will encourage you to spend time in Nature, to practice yoga, and to use the skills of empathy to live peacefully and compassionately to yourself and to others. Be Like a Tree connects the qualities of the heart of humans and nature alike.
May we all be like a tree and use the practices to breathe and tap deep into our roots to be our own unique selves.

Book A Virtual Reading
Book a live, virtual, dynamic children's yoga class and reading of the locally authored Be Like A Tree!
The class includes a 60-minute reading that incorporates movement, mindfulness and conversations of empathy and self awareness, followed by an activity for children to bring home that embodies the messages of kindness and connection.